TotalChoice Hosting Expanded FAQ
Expanded Frequently Asked Questions for questions that aren't the most frequent but still important at TotalChoice Hosting.
If we didn't answer your question here, reach out to support! We're here 24/7/365 to help!

How long does it take for TotalChoice Hosting to process my application and set up my account?
99% of new accounts are activated within 10-15 minutes. Once your account is activated you will receive an email from our Order Processing Team that contains log in information for your Site and control panel.

How do I access my cPanel website control panel?
Navigate to and replace "" with your domain name. Alternatively, you may use

Can I use a .cc domain name with my TotalChoice Hosting Account?
Yes, we support all the standard domain name suffixes!

I have been notified that my account has been set up, but my site is still not active.
If you have received a notification e-mail and it's been over 48 hours, it means either that you did not point your domain name to the right DNS servers, or that your ISP's DNS server has not yet been updated. It generally takes 24 hours for domain names to become active due to propagation.

I have NOT been notified that my account has been set up and it’s been over 24 hours.
With Shared and Reseller hosting, this could be the result of a provisioning error. If you have not received any e-mails from us with a few hours of ordering please contact our Billing Department.
For Dedicated and VPS, we strive to get your account set up as quickly as possible. Sometimes there are delays, so be sure to check with us if you have any inquires.

What DNS should my domain name point to?
TotalChoice Hosting uses several sets of DNS servers. Based on the server your hosting account is located, you will have to point to that specific DNS. Details of where to point your DNS will be sent to you in your welcome email. Please keep in mind that changes to DNS can take up to 24 hours to “propagate”. In other words, it is the period it takes for ISP nodes around the world to update their DNS cache. You can use sites like to check if propagation has occurred. If your still unsure, please contact our support team.

Can I get a dedicated IP?
We follow ARIN guidelines. The only accounts that will be sold dedicated IPs are Reseller accounts that use Private Name Servers - SSL Sites- Dedicated Email- Anon FTP Sites (Dedicated Servers Only).

What bandwidth connections does TotalChoice Hosting have?
Multiple Tier 1 Bandwidth providers including 123.NET, AT&T, CenturyLink, Cogent, Comcast, GTT, Everstream, Hurricane Electric, Lumen, NTT Communications, PCCW Global, Tata Communications, Telia, Verizon / XO, Zayo.

Click here to learn more about our data centers !

What about Web Hosting reseller accounts?
We provide four reseller packages - so there should be one to fit your needs! These packages also allow the use of customized nameservers.

Does e-mail or FTP count against my bandwidth limit?
Yes. All FTP and incoming/outgoing e-mail traffic counts against your total bandwidth.

What happens if I exceed my allocated bandwidth?
You will receive an automatic e-mail message warning you that you have reached 80% of your contracted limit. This should give you plenty of time to contact us and purchase more bandwidth. Once you have exceeded your limit, your account is suspended for the rest of the current month.

How can I edit a mySQL database table without creating an application?
cPanel allows you to use phpMyAdmin to edit mySQL tables through the use of SQL query language.

How do I access webmail for my server?
All sites are equipped with web-based e-mail. Which is accessible via cPanel or http://https://www.yourdomain:2095/

Will you place any ads on my site?
Not at all. TotalChoice does not place any advertisement on your site whatsoever. No banners, no annoying pop-ups, nothing.

Will I be able to send and receive e-mail through my Hosting Account?
Yes! You will be able to send and receive e-mail through our servers. In technical terms, we provide both POP3, IMAP, and SMTP capabilities.

Does TCH offer SSH or JailShell?
Shared and reseller clients do not have access to SSH or Jailshell. Alternatively, you can use cPanel or WHM. Dedicated and VPS servers are given access to SSH after your server is activated.

Who do I contact in case of a billing problem?
In the event of a billing problem please contact our Billing Department.

How do I cancel my account?
If you wish to cancel your TotalChoice Hosting account, please open a support ticket with the billing department here: TotalChoice Hosting Cancellation Request.
Alternatively, you can log into your billing account with us. Select the package you wish to cancel, and request cancellation.

What control panel is offered with your hosting packages?
All sites come equipped with cPanel. Reseller accounts come with WHM. VPS and Dedicated hosting are about freedom of choice. We can install whichever control panel you would like.

What type of hardware will my Web Hosting Account be hosted on?
TotalChoice Hosting only uses cutting edge hardware and offers redundant raid. With SSD’s, many cores, and a vast amount of ram to serve your sites at blazing speed.

How do I access webmail for my server?
All sites are equipped with web-based e-mail. You can access this function in cPanel by finding “Email accounts” under the email section, then clicking the check email button. Alternatively, you can navigate to to directly access webmail.

Does TotalChoice Hosting Support MySql?
Yes. All our servers support MySQL.

Do you support CGI/Perl scripts?
Yes, every site comes with its own CGI-BIN to allow you to run your own perl scripts.

What path name should I use for CGI/PERL scripts?
Yes, every site comes with its own CGI-BIN to allow you to run your own perl scripts.

What is FTP and How do I use it?
FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. Simply put, it is a method for copying files between your PC and your web site. Most users will install an FTP client (utility) program on their PC to facilitate this process.
You can use FTP by using a FTP Client which is an application purpose built for FTP, we reccomend Filezilla (opensource and free).

How do I upload my website files?
After you have signed up with TCH for a web hosting plan, and have registered a domain name, you'll be ready to upload your web site. Your homepage should normally be named index.html or index.htm. This is the page that will show when someone visits
Follow the instructions below to learn how to upload your file.
Start your FTP client and click the connect button.
Enter as the server name.
Use the user name/password provided in your TCH welcome e-mail
Connect and then go to the public_html directory on your web site
Delete or replace the file called index.html
Upload your index.html file and any other files you need to upload.
Disconnect and close the FTP client
Point your browser to and view your new home page
Allowing Others to Do Web Maintenance
You may wish to allow others to do some web maintenance and FTP work, without giving them access to cPanel or the master administrative user id/password.
Simply create a new FTP account for that person and identify the folder that they can access. For example, you could give them access to public_html or a subdirectory within public_html.
Setting Up An FTP Directory For Others To Access
Create a folder
Password manage it through cPanel
Remove the index file from it and remove index manager using cPanel for this folder
Create the users in the password manager
Bingo! You now have a folder (directory) which is protected by passwords and they can see only that folder. Warning: remember that FTP download access will eat up your bandwidth.

If we didn't answer your question here, reach out to support! We're here 24/7/365 to help!

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