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Themes & Plugins
Information on Wordpress Themes and Plugins
Recommended Themes and Plugins by TotalChoice Hosting
We take a simple approach to Wordpress at TotalChoice, that being the case, our review process for plugins and themes is extremely rigorous. We recommend all default Wordpress Themes, and Theme/Plugins Suites made by Themeco, and themes made by Elegant Themes. At this time we recommend all plugins made by Automattic (The Creators Behind Wordpress) such as, Woo Commerce, Jetpack, and WP Super Cache.
Wordpress Security
Information on how to keep your Wordpress Sites secure
Keeping Your Wordpress Installations Up To Date
The best way to keep your Wordpress Websites secure is to keep both your plugins and your wordpress installations up to date. When administrating a website, be sure to pay attention for important security updates. You can usually figure out the importance of an update based on release notes or changelogs that are attached to each update.
Using Themes and Plugins.
Not all themes and plugins are made the same! While the world of Wordpress Themes and Plugins is very exciting, it's important to understand the security risks associated with doing so. Be sure to research before you install your themes or plugins. If you're not confident in doing your own research, you take a look our reccommended themes and plugins on this page.
Your User Name and Password
It's important to not only use a secure password, but also change your username to something other than "Admin." Think of this like using "password" for your password. Changing your username, while easy to do, adds an additional layer of security from common brute force attacks. Lucky for you, TotalChoice Hosting Wordpress Auto-Installs automaically generate both a secure username and password for you.
Wordpress Optimization and Page Load Speeds
Information on how to make your Wordpress Sites faster than ever.
Pagespeed and SEO
More than ever, search engines are prioritizing page load times for search engine rankings. In the world of optimization, a little bit of work can go a long way for your search engine rankings.
Images, Videos, Graphics & Other Data Heavy Content
For the best page load times possible it's important to keep content with a heavy data footprint to a minimum. Some examples of content that have a large data footprint are images, videos, and graphics. While these types of content do serve a purpose, it's important to remember that the more you place on your site, the slower your site will be.
Cacheing Plugins
TotalChoice Hosting only recommends one cacheing plugin for wordpress WP Super Cache. We recommend this plugin because it's made by Automattic, the makers of wordpress! Cacheing plugins allow you to serve your website pages statically to your viwers. WP Super Cache also allows you to easily compress pages so that they're served in a smaller package to your sites visitors.
Image Optimization Plugins and Websites
Plugins exist that easily allow you to compress all the images you upload to your site so that they're served smaller to your sites visitors. Popular options are Kraken.io and WP Smush. Both with free and paid options.
Page Load Time Testing Websites
Here are some great websites that help you test your websites Page Load Time, these websites even give you recommendations to speed up your site.
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